September 10, 2023 Bulletin

The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 10, 2023

Morning Prayer

Opening Hymn #400: All creatures of our God and King

Officiant      Send out your light and your truth, that they may lead me, and bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.  Psalm 43:3

The Confession

Officiant      Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of Almighty God our heavenly Father, to set forth his praise, to hear his holy Word, and to ask, for ourselves and on behalf of others, those things that are necessary for our life and our salvation. And so that we may prepare ourselves in heart and mind to worship him, let us kneel in silence, and with penitent and obedient hearts confess our sins, that we may obtain forgiveness by his infinite goodness and mercy.

All               God of all mercy,

we confess that we have sinned against you,

opposing your will in our lives.

We have denied your goodness in each other,

in ourselves, and in the world you have created.

We repent of the evil that enslaves us,

the evil we have done,

and the evil done on our behalf.

Forgive, restore, and strengthen us

through our Savior Jesus Christ,

that we may abide in your love

and serve only your will. Amen.

The Officiant remains kneeling and says:

Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us all our sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.

The Invitatory and Psalter

All stand as they are able.

Officiant      Lord, open our lips;

People           And our mouth shall proclaim your praise.  

All                Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia!

Officiant      Christ has triumphed over death:

People           O come let us worship.

Venite     Psalm 95: 1-7 (EOW)

Come, let us sing to the Lord; *

let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before God’s presence with thanksgiving *

and raise to the Lord a shout with psalms.

For you are a great God; *

you are great above all gods.

In your hand are the caverns of the earth, *

and the heights of the hills are yours also.

The sea is yours, for you made it, *

and your hands have molded the dry land.

Come, let us bow down and bend the knee, *

and kneel before the Lord our Maker.

For you are our God,

and we are the people of your pasture and the sheep of your hand. *

Oh, that today we would hearken to your voice!

Officiant      Christ has triumphed over death:

People           O come let us worship.

Psalm 119: 33 – 48

33 Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, *
and I shall keep it to the end.

34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep your law; *
I shall keep it with all my heart.

35 Make me go in the path of your commandments, *
for that is my desire.

36 Incline my heart to your decrees *
and not to unjust gain.

37 Turn my eyes from watching what is worthless; *
give me life in your ways.

38 Fulfill your promise to your servant, *
which you make to those who fear you.

39 Turn away the reproach which I dread, *
because your judgments are good.

40 Behold, I long for your commandments; *
in your righteousness preserve my life.

42 Then shall I have a word for those who taunt me, *

    because I trust in your words.

43 Do not take the word of truth out of my mouth, *

       for my hope is in your judgments.

44 I shall continue to keep your law; *

      I shall keep it for ever and ever.

45 I will walk at liberty, *

       because I study your commandments.

46 I will tell of your decrees before kings *

       and will not be ashamed.

47 I delight in your commandments, *

       which I have always loved.

48 I will lift up my hands to your commandments, *

          and I will meditate on your statutes.

  Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;

          As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

The Readings

A Reading from the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapter 33, Verses 7 – 11

You, mortal, I have made a sentinel for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, “O wicked ones, you shall surely die,” and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from their ways, the wicked shall die in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from their ways, and they do not turn from their ways, the wicked shall die in their iniquity, but you will have saved your life.

Now you, mortal, say to the house of Israel, Thus you have said: “Our transgressions and our sins weigh upon us, and we waste away because of them; how then can we live?” Say to them, As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their ways and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?


The Word of the Lord / Thanks be to God!

Canticle 16 EOW

The Song of Zechariah | Benedictus Dominus Deus

Blessed are you, Lord, the God of Israel, *

you have come to your people and set them free.

You have raised up for us a mighty Savior, *

born of the house of your servant David.

Through your holy prophets you promised of old

to save us from our enemies, *

from the hands of all who hate us,

To show mercy to our forebears, *

and to remember your holy covenant.

This was the oath you swore to our father Abraham, *

to set us free from the hands of our enemies,

Free to worship you without fear, *

holy and righteous before you,

all the days of our life.

And you, child, shall be called the prophet

of the Most High, *

for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way,

To give God’s people knowledge of salvation *

by the forgiveness of their sins.

In the tender compassion of our God *

the dawn from on high shall break upon us,

To shine on those who dwell in darkness

and the shadow of death, *

and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Praise to the holy and undivided Trinity, one God: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

A Reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans, Chapter 13, Verses 8 – 14

Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.

Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

Canticle 21 EOW

We Praise You, O God | Te Deum Laudamus

We praise you, O God,

we acclaim you as Lord;

all creation worships you,

the Father everlasting.

To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,

the cherubim and seraphim, sing in endless praise:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

The glorious company of apostles praise you.

The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.

The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:

Father, of majesty unbounded,

your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,

and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.

You, Christ, are the king of glory,

the eternal Son of the Father.

When you took our flesh to set us free

you humbly chose the Virgin’s womb.

You overcame the sting of death

and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.

We believe that you will come to be our judge.

Come then, Lord, and help your people,

bought with the price of your own blood,

and bring us with your saints

to glory everlasting.

A Reading from the Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 15 – 20

Jesus said, “If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”

The Word of the Lord / Thanks be to God!

Sequence Hymn WLP #798: Lord Jesus, think on me

The Sermon

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
    creator of heaven and earth;
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
        and born of the Virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
        was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven,
        and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
    the holy catholic Church,
    the communion of saints,
    the forgiveness of sins
    the resurrection of the body,
    and the life everlasting. Amen.

The Prayers

Officiant      The Lord be with you.

People           And also with you.

Officiant      Let us pray.

All                Our Father in heaven,

                             hallowed be your Name,

                              your kingdom come,

                              your will be done,

                                       on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins,

                             as we forgive those

                              who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

                             and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

                              and the glory is yours,

                             now and forever. Amen.

Suffrages A

Officiant      Show us your mercy, O Lord;

People          And grant us your salvation.

Officiant      Clothe your ministers with righteousness;

People          Let your people sing with joy.

Officiant      Give peace, O Lord, in all the world;

People          For only in you can we live in safety.

Officiant      Lord, keep this nation under your care;

People          And guide us in the way of justice and truth.

Officiant      Let your way be known upon earth;

People          Your saving health among all nations.

Officiant      Let not the needy, O Lord, be forgotten;

People          Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.

Officiant      Create in us clean hearts, O God;

People          And sustain us with your Holy Spirit.

The Officiant now reads the collects:

The Collect of the Day

Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

A Collect for Sundays

O God, you make us glad with the weekly remembrance of the glorious resurrection of your Son our Lord: Give us this day such blessing through our worship of you, that the week to come may be spent in your favor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Collect for Mission

Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: So clothe us in your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of your Name. Amen.

Intercessions and Thanksgivings

Officiant      O God, the creator and preserver of all humankind, we humbly pray to you for all people in their needs, that you would make your ways known to them, your saving health among all nations.

We pray for your holy Church universal, that it may be guided and governed by your Holy Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life.

We commend to your merciful goodness all those who are in any ways afflicted or distressed, especially Donna, Cheryl W., Bill & Barbara, Mark & Kim, Cathy & Del, Kathryn, Brent, Susan, Karen & Daryl, Cathy & Gary, Pat & Linda, Debbie, Kim, Alex, Stacy, Carolyn S., Jenn W., Amory, Gwen and family, & Joe, that you would comfort and relieve them according to their needs, granting them patience in their sufferings, and a happy conclusion and release from their afflictions. We also remember before you, O God, our sister Betty Croghan. May she rest with the saints in light, and rise in glory. This we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

The peace may be shared. The Leader begins the peace with the following:

Officiant      Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:2

A time for sharing blessings and thanksgivings may follow.

The Leader then continues:

Officiant      Let us present an offering to the Lord.

Offertory Hymn#593: Lord, make us servants of your peace

The Officiant takes the offering and places it reverently on the altar. The Officiant then returns to their place, and all say together the General Thanksgiving:

All      Almighty God, Father of all mercies,

we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks

for all your goodness and loving-kindness

to us and to all whom you have made.

We bless you for our creation, preservation,

and all the blessings of this life;

but above all for your immeasurable love

in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ;

for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.

And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies,

that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise,

not only with our lips, but in our lives,

by giving up our selves to your service,

and by walking before you

in holiness and righteousness all our days;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,

be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.

The Officiant then adds the Prayer of St Chrysostom:

Almighty God, you have given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplication to you; and you have promised through your well-beloved Son that when two or three are gathered together in his Name you will be in the midst of them: Fulfill now, O Lord, our desires and petitions as may be best for us; granting us in this world knowledge of your truth, and in the age to come life everlasting. Amen.

Officiant      Let us bless the Lord.
People                    Thanks be to God!

Officiant      The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Closing Hymn #376: Joyful, joyful, we adore thee

The Altar Flowers are given by Linda & Ray Stark, to the

Glory of God, in loving memory of Ray’s Mother, Muriel John.

Serving today:

Officiant: David Hutchins

Lectors: Ed Lonsdale & Jim Reynolds

Altar Guild: Robin Finch & Holly Melgard

Ushers: Laura Harbert

Music Director: Shauna Emara

Camera: Jim Reynolds