Essential Jazz: Join The Bishop’s House on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 5 PM – a suggested donation of $10 per person will continue their mission to preserve and sustain the wonderful historic home! For tickets visit their website:
Food Truck: Our Truck will be here October 2nd at 5:30 P.M. Join us and meet some neighbors!
Friendship Meal: We’re having Cowboy Stew for our October 6th meal! All are welcome to have supper with us! Want to supply ingredients or help out? Sign up here:
Artisan Sale: October 6th, 12-6 & October 7th, 10-4 at 6120 N. Drake Way, Garden City join Edie Beckwith with her botanical prints & leaf sculpture; Carolyne Pietz with fiber art & bags; Cheryl Clark Lawson’s jewelry; Sherrie Bosserman will have her photography on show; & Cheryl Weber Richardson has paintings & calligraphy.
Coffee & Conversation: Meet us at Treasure Valley Coffee, 11875 W. President Dr., at 11:00 AM on October 7th for some fabulous coffee and delicious food!
Spirituality for Stewardship: We are called to be good stewards (caretakers) of what God has given us. God has given us many wonderful gifts: life, minds to think, hearts to love, and all the other wonders of the created world. God invites us to take good care of what has been entrusted to us. And we are also mindful as a parish community of the wonderful gifts we share with All Saints: our wisdom, our wealth, and the work of our hands. To help us meditate on being good stewards of Creation and on preparing our hearts and minds for the Stewardship Pledge Campaign which helps us to budget for the coming year, we’ve put together a booklet of daily meditations here. Copies will also be available at our services on Sunday.
Trunk or Treat: Our 2nd annual Trunk-or-Treat will be October 31st! We need you and your automobile to make this successful. Let Kelsey know if you can participate and please ask if you have any questions.
Holiday Bazaar: We need a few more volunteers for small tasks! Nicole has begun advertising, so if you are or know of a vendor who would be interested, let her know. The dates will be November 17 & 18, with set-up on the 16th.
Fr. Joseph’s Emergency Message Phone: If you are in need of pastoral care, please leave a message on Fr. Joseph’s emergency message phone at 208-917-2270. Include your name, a call-back number, and a detailed message and he will get to you as soon as he can. You may also text a message to this phone!