
As followers of Christ, we are called to engage in worship with authenticity and sincerity.  Our devotion calls us to anchor ourselves in the unwavering love of Jesus and to radiate that boundless love to all corners of the earth. This, undeniably, forms the bedrock of stewardship. In my Jamaican cultural upbringing, the act of giving transcends mere action; it embodies a language of love. On many occasions around the Sunday dinner table, the sweet aroma of food gracefully breaks the silence, reminding me of the profound exchange of God’s unwavering familial love.

God reveals the depth of Christ’s love for us through the people who grace our lives—the ones who selflessly sacrifice for our well-being, and those for whom we willingly do the same. Giving is not just a monetary task. Giving is a heart task. It’s something that all of us are called to do, for the kingdom of God to flourish, and for the walking, living testimonies that surround us in our lives.

So, what does it mean to truly “walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God?” For me, it means embodying sacrificial love in our everyday lives, extending grace and compassion to those around us, just as Christ did. It means seeking reconciliation and peace in all circumstances, being willing to step out of our comfort zones to minister to the marginalized, the oppressed, and the brokenhearted. Sharing the good news of salvation not only through our words but also through our actions, demonstrating God’s love through tangible acts of kindness and generosity.

We need to live a life that reflects the transformative power of Christ’s love, allowing His love to permeate every aspect of our being and overflow into the lives of those around us.

Reflection Question:

  • How can we ensure that our actions, words, and attitudes reflect the boundless love of Christ, fostering unity and growth within our spiritual communities?

This reflection was written by Shannon Whittaker, a young adult and active member of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Cambria Heights, New York.