March 6 2025 Snapshot

All Saints Snapshot!   


As Lent gets started, don’t forget to follow the matchups for Lent Madness (and register to vote!) at, and join the Sunday Morning Forum at 9:00 am to talk about the saints featured this year!


Easter Hydrangeas:  It’s hard to believe that Easter is fast approaching – only 2 months away!  So, it is time to order those lovely Hydrangeas that decorate our Sanctuary during the Easter season.  If you would like to sponsor a plant this year, the cost is $30 per plant.  And remember you can take them home to brighten up your own house and they actually can be planted outside!  I had good luck with mine last year. 

Please sign up here and be sure to have your dedication ready. Please make the check out to All Saints, noting Easter flowers. Thank you, Linda S.


Free Community Meal:  Who wants to cook on a Friday?? Nope, we don’t either! Our Community Meal will be March 7th, at 5:00 P.M. – join your neighbors for a meal or you can take yours to go.

Pollinator Park:  Have you noticed the work being done on our lawn? The goal of this project is to reduce the consumption of water, reduce labor requirements, reduce use of chemicals, improve pollinator habitat, improve visual appearance of facilities, and provide an attractive sanctuary for both parishioners and our neighbors on the Depot Bench. If you’re interested in helping out manually, you can contact the office. If you’d like to donate financially, our Creation Care Committee is collecting change during Lent.


Water-Wise Workshop:  Join Ada Soil and Water Conservation District for an exploration into the importance of backyard conservation and learn how making a change in your lawn, garden or farm can make a big difference for our planet. Meeting at the library, 7557 W Ustick Rd, Thursday, March 6, 6 PM.

Tax Prep:  Let the AARP Tax Aides help you navigate the confusing world of personal taxes. Bring all necessary tax documents. Saturdays, 10:30 – 2:30, 6015 N. Glenwood Street.

Branch Weaving:  Join us at The Warehouse Food Hall for a branch weaving workshop, where you’ll craft a one-of-a-kind wall hanging. All ages welcome, and all materials are included. Sunday, March 9th, 2 – 5 P.M., visit for tickets.


Buildings and Grounds Committee 2025:  This committee manages the care and upkeep of the interior/exterior of the All Saints Church, as well as the over 3 acres of grounds. Once potential projects are identified, then professionals or volunteers are scheduled to begin to work on the projects. If you have a special talent like: decorating, carpentry, electrician, plumbing, flower bed maintenance, cleaning, etc. and like to work on small projects this is a fun place for you. B & G meets each second Tuesday of the month in the parish hall at 6:00 P.M. I will send out an agenda before each meeting, so if you are not able to attend you will still know what is happening. If you want to be on the B & G emailing list, please let me know!  Looking forward to seeing you at church and God bless you all for your work for All Saints. Barb Tool, Junior Warden


Fr. Joseph’s contact:  For more urgent situations outside of office hours, please call or text his cell at 208-917-2270. If calling, please leave a message with your name, a call-back number, and a detailed message and he will get back to you as soon as he can. You can also text this number. Emails are generally answered when he is in the office.

Our Sunday bulletin can be found here.  If you can’t be here in person, we stream our 10:00 A.M. service on YouTube and Facebook.

Wondering what’s happening around the church? Click here to find our on-line calendar! If you open the event, it will tell you the time, location, and who’s putting it on. Send an email to Nicole if you’d like something added!