ASE Walkers: Tomorrow’s morning walking group at Kathryn Albertsons Park is going to meet at 9:00. If anyone wants to join let Ron Harris know.
Fireworks: St. Vincent de Paul is raising money for the Christmas Toy Store Program with fireworks:
Bookshelf Sale: We’re refreshing the library – help give the books on the shelf in the parish hall hallway a new home! Suggested donation: $5 hardcover/$1 softcover.
Coffee & Conversation: Join us on Saturday, July 1st, at 11:00 A.M. at Bikes and Beans, 1350 S Vista Avenue, for some witty repartee and your favorite beverage!
Food Truck: The Food Truck will be here July 3rd at 5:30 P.M. This mission is growing and we’d love to have you join us!
Office Closures: The office will be closed July 3rd & 4th in honor of Independence Day.
Friendship Meal: The next Friendship Meal will be July 7th. This month’s menu will be all American! All are welcome to have supper with us! If you’d like to help out, you can sign-up here:
Hero Hotline VBS is coming!: This year VBS will be held July 31- August 4 from 9 – 12:30. So sign up your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or neighborhood kids. Registration forms are available in the office or you can print it here and return it to the office.