ASE Walkers: Tomorrow’s morning walking group at Kathryn Albertsons Park is going to meet at 9:00. If anyone wants to join let him know.
Friendship Meal: Tomorrow is our next Friendship Meal! This month’s menu is all-American – to help out, sign-up here: All are welcome to have supper with us!
Boise Depot Meet & Greet: Join us for a free open house and character encounter at the Boise Depot! Sunday, July 9th, characters from popular children’s movies and stories will be in attendance from noon until 4 p.m.
Church Picnic: Join us for a picnic after the 10 o’clock service on July 16th!
Ladies Who Lunch: Join the ladies on the 20th at 1:00 P.M. for a delicious lunch at Casa Blanca Cuban Grill, 5506 W. Overland. Be sure to let Stephanie Elder know that you’re joining so that she can reserve you a seat.
Bookshelf Sale: We’re refreshing the library – help give the books on the shelf in the parish hall hallway a new home! Suggested donation: $5 hardcover/$1 softcover.
Hero Hotline VBS is coming!: This year VBS will be held July 31- August 4 from 9- 12:30. So sign up your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or neighborhood kids. Registration forms are available in the office or you can print it here and return it to the office.