Diaper Drive: Our Social Justice committee is holding an Idaho Diaper Bank Drive through the end of October. Place donations in the white basket near the food donation chart. If cash or check (make out to All Saints) and give to MaryEllen or Janet. $10 donation will provide diapers for a month! There are no governmental programs to support families for the purchase of diapers. Going without clean diapers impacts the health of the child and contributes to maternal depression and anxiety. Thank you for your donations.
Planned Giving: Do you have your house in order? As we enter this month of Stewardship and focus on sharing our bounty, I want to offer you some food for thought about Planned Giving, and having a plan for the end of life. I will have a table set up in the parish hall at 9 A.M. and after the 10 A.M. services to provide you with useful planning tools, such as how to create a variety of Gifts and Bequests, developing Wills, Funeral Services, and Medical Directives. The best gift you can give your loved ones is to have a plan! Faithfully Yours, Janet Hasson
Coffee & Conversation: Meet us at Treasure Valley Coffee, 11875 W. President Dr., at 11:00 AM on October 7th for some fabulous coffee and delicious food!
Pet Blessing: On October 8th at 3:00 PM, we will be honoring St. Francis by blessing our pets on the front porch of the Sanctuary. For pet and people safety, all pets must be leashed or crated.
CROP Walk: Join the All Saints team walking for hunger on October 15th in the Julia Davis Park at 3:00 PM! Registration is on-line: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023.
Christmas Wreaths: The Cub Scouts will be here after services Sunday, October 15th, to sell their wreaths. If you’d like to see the options beforehand, please email Nicole.
RECHARGE DAY: Join us on Saturday, October 28th, to clean up our property for all of our fall events! Lunch will be served – just bring your tools, cleaning items, and gloves at 9:00 A.M.
Trunk or Treat: Our 2nd annual Trunk-or-Treat will be October 31st! We need you and your automobile to make this successful. Let Kelsey Bullinger know if you can participate and please ask any questions that you may have.
Holiday Bazaar: We need a few more volunteers for small tasks (see the list in the Outreach)! Nicole has begun advertising, so if you are or know of a vendor who would be interested, let her know. The dates will be November 17 & 18, with set-up on the 16th.
Fr. Joseph’s Emergency Message Phone: If you are in need of pastoral care, please leave a message on Fr. Joseph’s emergency message phone at 208-917-2270. Include your name, a call-back number, and a detailed message and he will get to you as soon as he can. You may also text a message to this phone!