May 9, 2024 Snapshot


If you know how to read a foreign language, would you volunteer to read a small portion of the Acts reading for Pentecost? Please contact Fr. Joseph for further info.

Social Justice:  We are collecting baby diapers & money for the Idaho Diaper Bank, as well as, adult underwear for Interfaith Sanctuary now through the end of May.  Please add your donations to the box in the narthex or your money (checks made out to the respective charity) in the collection plate.

ROSE Grant: Applications are open to ministries that will help the Renewal of Parish Life, Outreach to the larger community, Spiritual Formation of the members of the church or community, and Evangelization to make your church more visible. Deadline is September 30th.

May 15th:  Bible Study for next Wednesday has been cancelled. We’ll see you on the 22nd!


Ladies Who Lunch:  We will be getting together at The Refuge, 404 Parkcenter Blvd, Ste. 300, today at 1:00 – let Stephanie E. know if you can make it so that she can save you a seat!  Psssstttt….order the clam chowder!!

All Saints Annual Car Show:  Judy & Nicole are looking for 3 more volunteers to help out at the show on Saturday, May 18th, from 9 – 3 (working in shifts): 2 to help out at the registration table and 1 to help clean-up.  Please email the office with your preferred area and how long you are able to assist.

All Saints Community Class:  The next tour for the group will be to the U.S. Assay Office in Downtown Boise. Miners would bring in their gold to have it “assayed” for value and stamped with a hallmark. U.S. Assay Office at 210 Main St., Wednesday, May 22nd, at 11:00 AM. (Metered parking surrounding the building on several streets.)


International Museum Day:  Get ready for a FREE day of family fun at International Museum Day! Join us at the Idaho Botanical Garden for live music, thrilling activities, and games hosted by all your favorite museums! May 19th from 12-4 at the Idaho Botanical Gardens.

Rise Up and Sing:  We will be celebrating justice work with live music on Sunday, May 19, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel.  It will be outside, weather permitting.  (If not, we’ll move it inside.)

Pancake Feed:  Support our local Boy Scouts Troop 123 on June 1st from 9 – 12 at All Saints with pancakes! Tickets are $10 at the door.


Johann Arndt and Jacob Boehme, Mystics, 1621 and 1624

Holy God, who dwells with those have a contrite and humble spirit; Revive our spirits; purify us from deceitful lusts; and cloth us in righteousness and true holiness; though Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen.


Fr. Joseph’s contact:  For more urgent situations outside of office hours, please call or text his cell at 208-917-2270. If calling, please leave a message with your name, a call-back number, and a detailed message and he will get back to you as soon as he can. You can also text this number. Emails are generally answered when he is in the office.

Our Sunday bulletin can be found here!  If you can’t be here in person, we stream our 10 A.M. service on YouTube and Facebook.