April 28, 2024 Sermon

The Rev. Joseph Farnes

All Saints, Boise

Easter 5B

Reading the Bible

  • Reading the Bible in Solitude
    • Reading to get acquainted with the text / story / ideas
    • Lectio Divina: Reading to listen to God
      • Lectio: read it twice, slowly. Preferably aloud!
      • Oratio: pray it, what does the passage bring to mind?
      • Meditatio: savor it, meditate on it
      • Contemplatio: abiding in God’s presence
  • Reading the Bible with Commentary
    • “Faith Seeking Understanding”: Feeding the Intellect
      • Asking questions. “What does this mean?”
      • Historical / Cultural background
      • Textual / language background
      • Interpretation from new perspectives
        • Disagreement
        • Diversity
    • Spiritual Reading: Feeding the Spirit
      • Reading with a devotional
      • How to bring the wisdom of the Bible into life
      • How have other people felt the impact of this passage in their lives?
  • Reading the Bible in Community
    • Bible study
      • Read it with others – in much of history, we would read aloud!
      • In small group, or with a partner!
      • Different / diverse perspectives, sharing faith
    • Worship
      • Reading the Bible in Eucharist
      • Morning Prayer / Evening Prayer